Understanding Internal Time & Space


Time and Space usually refer to the metrics used by the inside world to measure the outside world. Or it is when a person observes life and builds physical relationships with outer objects, such as people, animals, lands, plants, and elements. But psychologically, I have an internal-only measure that covers my entire state of mind with emotions and feelings. The Innerverse has its own Time & Space or Spacetime Continuum that I endlessly travel within.

This upcoming section on both Time and Space of a psychological nature covers everything I understand so far in terms of managing my internal symmetry. That is, I explain the Space experienced in my various moods, fragments or states, which I feel as either cramped in a cage from fear, or open and expanded from pleasure/joy. Otherwise, the Space experienced falls in between the pair as I might only be experiencing a slight up or down at that moment.

As I’m experiencing Space, simultaneously, there is a Time force responsible for each change in mental direction, fuelling my attention with both past memories of what had happened and future projections of what might eventuate in reality. If I were to be technical, I would say a field of thoughts carries charged magnetic properties across from each pole in my mind, converting into a Space that I perceive. As such, it feels a bit like magnetism or even gravity, with strong opposing forces constantly acting on one another. In any event, mental objects across different layers of my mind’s eye get pushed and pulled around. A shaping of my state of mind is always underway, making me feel either cramped or free in my existence, or somewhere in between.

Within my internal world, it’s all about a feeling towards or against a particular direction with either more or less space perceived. That is, when I’m not existing in the neutral homeostatic state.

The Fluctuating Nature of Time

Not only is there chaos in the depths of the Universe, but the Innerverse also has its fair share of turmoil. In one moment, my perception of time is stable and optimal, and I feel content with life. But during the next moment, when my thoughts compress into undesirable thinking, time on the clock dramatically slows down or feels longer than usual as I fiercely push away toward a particular trajectory.


Time = The nature of the surface thoughts in my mind. Thus, it is my entire conscious psychological activity that takes me away from the present reality as I’m mentally living in a past time or future time.

These powering properties that are made of mental objects and symbols then convert into a corresponding space:

Space = My state of mind. Again, I either feel positively or negatively charged | floaty or weighted | cramped or spacious | a moment vs a month (or somewhere in between).

The Laws of My Inner Spacetime (My ‘In-Laws’)

To reiterate, my magnetic chatterbox mind is made up of both charged memories of yesterday (which are records of my experience, aka the past) AND any projections I formulate into tomorrow (which is memory processed with fresh content of my current experience to gain a foothold on the future). So whenever I’m not feeling neutral or optimal, I’m either attracted to or repelling a particular direction in my life for the sake of achieving or maintaining a level of space, which gets interpreted as the past or future. My mind has an amazing ability to make things appear to be happening in another period of time. (Amazing/Curselike are very interchangeable words in this context.) But really, everything gets processed in the ‘now’ or the present reality as that is all that actually exists.

My thinking starts and continues in two ways:

  1. When responding to an experience — i.e., from touching life.
  2. When responding to a line of ongoing thinking — i.e., idling like a car (soft/medium/heavy). It’s my autopilot feature that continuously refines my history in order to regulate doses of pleasure and fear that I’m used to receiving.

In any case, I land at various areas of density or perceived enclosures. I measure a space in which I feel either freed or caged.

The Psycho-Magnetic Field

When I enter into negative thinking, it comes from thoughts that produce negative sensations which give off a feeling of intense gravity because resistance makes me feel heavy. Yes, I understand that gravity is an attracting force, but in this case heaviness is created by resistance, not attraction. Thus, the more I push against a particular thought or direction, the heavier my inner reality becomes.

Now, rather than keeping me afloat (or grounded in a good way) my thoughts and emotions begin to pull me into the dark depths below. In total, an invisible mass of magnetic thinking tugs at my attention and takes me out of neutral. I try to stay minding my own business in the big Innerverse, but mental masses keep veering into an orbit around me and my attention is captured by them.

On the other hand, when I enter into pleasant thinking, it comes from thoughts that produce positive sensations which give off a gravity-free effect, and I feel floaty instead. This short-lived luxury of being weightless means that I perceive no cage/enclosure around me, and I’m able to transcend the ground altogether.

Also, there is another type of space from beyond the dimension of thought called Non-Thinking Space; aka the Great Silence. However, it’s a bit of a tricky topic to get into, so I’ll leave it till last when it will be easier to fully understand.

Everyone, please remain seated and keep your seatbelts fastened, as you may experience a little dizziness or light-headedness. Time & Space tends to feel a little warped upon your first visit past conventional measures.