Summing Up Expectation & Spontaneity

In the end, I’ve found joy to be an unexpected, yet intensely meaningful experience, one that can never be duplicated in a recall event. Or when it is, it’s downgraded to a process of pleasure. A joyful state is basically when I’m under the influence of nature, and her concoction on each occasion was not known to me before or previously applied to my life.

Also, in its strongest expression, or when my sensors are completely surprised by a unique combination of her touch, only then can the effects of joy supersede any other experience and pack the most almighty, life-changing influential punch.

‘Joyfulness’ is to experience a unique shape on a fresh day, and carries a meaning beyond words.

Next, once my heightened state of mind subsides, a rainbow is left behind as trace residue now takes over my life. From here, I’ll only convert Second-Hand Sensation from an impression of the event.

Do you remember the old saying “You can never grab hold of the moment again”?

Well, that’s a fact.

Joy in its fullest expression is without premeditation. My senses are entirely oblivious to any build-up, which allows a greater unique shape of contrast to touch where it has never reached before.

Therefore, when in the hunt for joy, or when I’m in standby mode eagerly awaiting a positive experience, I can almost always guarantee pleasure. The more I want or expect joy, the less likely it will occur. That’s how simple it really is.

Second hand

However, if I’m in a learning environment awaiting something good to happen and see a breakthrough for the first time, I still consider myself caught off guard in joy. Although my senses were prepped for something along a particular line, instead they were delivered information slightly off-course. Therefore, there’s still an element of surprise, which is why I always want to keep learning in and around my field of interest.

But overall, the Big Bang is definitely found in the Totally Unexpected. It’s the Universe’s Larger Classroom.

Joyous Explosion.

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