Elasticity Within Desire

How does countering or suppressing my desires backfire?

Like watching a rubber band used and re-used rigorously to keep forces contained, I know exactly what I’m in for in only a short amount of time. Soon, I’ll weaken my mind to the point that I’m no good to anyone or anything, especially myself. Because before, when I hadn’t known any of this, I’d stretch all day, back and forth to each extreme. I would eventually BUST, then fling to my escape.

So it’s no longer rocket science to know I’ll get stung on the flipside when my desires run wild, as I hit an intense repel-attract, repel-attract increasing fluctuation, or a very hot and cold situation.

What an absurd law for our makers to have put into our minds. Otherwise, sure enough, I would still be mass-producing my desires, day in and day out. I would continue to allow the little devil within to convert EACH extreme and unrealistic desire process that pops up in my mind while not worrying about a thing.

Fortunately, as this cause-and-effect blueprint became all too clear in detailing the relationship between the Unreal and Real realms, including the ‘ups’ tied in with the ‘downs’, I couldn’t help but be more mindful towards my attachment. I’d automatically watch EVERY chemical conversion from my brain activity closer than ever before.

I figured, if I were to have ANY REAL CHANCE of success with my desires in the long run, I’d have to gift my inner-devil a moment or two to re-gather himself.

Naturally, he took a few deep breaths, added a mantra and got with it by allowing quality over quantity to shine. This is instead of the usual burning out of control and wasting my energy on what simply always felt good to me for a short while.

Little devil