My world said that if I don’t focus properly, I won’t achieve my objective. But what did they mean by ‘properly’? Was it so that I process detailed knowledge along a specific line in order to gain strength? While also maintaining STRICT behaviour to keep the activation alive and steady?
Yet the times I did try and stay focussed, I was far from contained. In most cases, I’d hear the sound of a clock ticking louder and louder as if something annoying tore straight through my barricade and entered my concentration zone. And it wasn’t the actual steady ticks that I knew while sitting in a small quiet room with one hanging above. Rather, this noise would intensify and transform into an impatient type of running commentary that eventually stirred up my mind.
In my now weakened zone, disruptive voices kept picking at me and questioning my stay. One tense thought after another coming from them kept challenging my every move of trying to stay focussed. Naturally, it wasn’t long before I got extremely impatient, weakening the zone even more.
As soon as one disruptive voice or message got through, that was it and the gates opened. Come one, come all. Anything else could easily slip in and further destroy my ability to maintain focus.
The usual noise from these uninvited guests would consist of:
- How much longer have we got left in this zone?
- This information is useless! I wonder what else is happening on the other side of this zone.
- If only I had done things differently, earlier. I wouldn’t need to be in this zone.
Also, an overflow from influences in the days or weeks before, i.e., from a TV show, a news event, a social dilemma or a desired product or service, could all drift in making the split in the border much, much bigger while the zone became very difficult to hold and maintain.