Simple Focus:
The Natural Explorer
Let’s say, at this very moment, I’m in the middle of successfully focussing on something:
But soon, an off-topic idea jumps out and tries to drag my attention away from the centre of my mindlessing.
In my response, if I look long enough at it or take it seriously by engaging fully in it, then I submit to an exploit and a tear rips open along the focal border. Then, if I continue with this trend, all of its buddies will follow in and I’ll end up exiting my focus earlier than expected.
Yes, I might hold the position for a short while with the aid of Positive Reinforcement to give myself a boost before it’s too late. But rest assured, soon I’ll be inundated with mixed thinking and on my way out of the original task. Even if I still consider myself as being focused on something, the reality is, I’m not giving it my all or best energy.
Seeing the Mechanics of Focus Eventually Fixes My Problem
When I first became aware of both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ noise interactions as a simple form of focus contamination that naturally increase my perception of time (making me want to wriggle out of a situation), and regardless of what any of the off-topic buggy ideas carried on about, things fundamentally changed.
Whereas before, when I couldn’t focus or record something clearly, I’d always rely on generating more desire to thrust or empower the processing of detailed knowledge, so I could stand my ground and firmly focus. However, I then realised, this too always kept me busy in the wrong area. I got stuck on the border with Focus Border-Disorder.
Plus, once the negatives overwhelmed my zone, which usually didn’t take long, this also left a nasty taste in my mouth for next time. You see, now I have too little desire to return to the task because a negative remembrance causes resistance and keeps me away.
Eventually, the time came when I had a REAL CHANCE to stay focussed and reach my goal. Only after stepping back and noticing these interferences could I devalue the stories and not get so distracted by them, since I could now see that my engagement with the noise ultimately led to my departure from the task.