A Tricky Challenge

Unlocking the appeal quality by clearing out the clutter to gain natural ground to learn from is what made a huge difference in life. I moved from a complex understanding, to a simple one.

The Driving Forces

The 3 big players responsible for channelling my attention are, Desire, Willpower & Focus. By clearly seeing ‘the complex’ I arrive at ‘the simple’.

Desiring: The Attracting Force

It’s time to hand in old habits for a chance at actualising my thoughts into reality. From all my past memories that registered pleasure, I naturally want experiences like these to replay. Except, I’d usually go overboard and stay caught up in an unreal world. So I have to approach this differently

My Willpower

When there’s a will there’s less way! Do I really need all the chatter that comes with traditional willing? Or is it because of a cash advance I keep taking early?

Focus & Concentration

When I apply force to look deeper into some ‘thing’ or ‘aspect’, I redirect my energy into a smaller container and cordon off any distractions.