The Science Between Pleasure & Joy

Once I become aware of a desirable experience about to take place in my REAL-ality, it tells me I’m already generating pleasure from a build-up of thoughts that have ‘set the stage’ for a certain act to ‘replay’ (thoughts priming my sensors and energising my nervous system).

My comparison to ‘what is ahead’ comes from my remembrance in previous encounters, or in the ‘what was’ or ‘had played out’ somewhere along the line. Trace residue impacts the next run of experience as my junkie sensors are simply well-prepped for the needle, whether it’s a physical or psychological conversion drawn from the bottle.

Conversion Types & Examples
  1. Physical Conversion – I’m having a few drinks and therefore I’m in contact with a substance.
  2. Psychological Conversion – I’m on a romantic date and thus my imagination runs wild.
  3. Both – I’m on a date eating and drinking and as an end result, I’m consumed in positivity.

You see, it’s only a matter of time before I refill any expectation with another repeat of the past even though I feel I might be entering a new joyous experience.

Here’s a perfect example:

Weddings aren’t always ‘technically joyous’, rather they are usually highly pleasurable events based on yesterday’s knowledge and prepping. Humans have a tendency to project future scenarios in great detail, especially the glamorous scenario, so we often create the potential in our mind over and over many times prior to the event. Thus, we reduce the value on the day because we expect everything to match if not surpass our expectations. Therefore, our sensors are heavily primed for a particular feeling. Although, the unexpected can happen anywhere, anytime, including at weddings.

However, for the girl totally caught off guard in the proposition of marriage or anything reasonably unforeseen, I believe that is where joy lives in its purest form. So long as she’s on board, of course.