Whenever I hold onto a state of mind put together by certain thoughts, I empower a mental fragment that affects my everyday reality. The more I hold onto this arrangement, the greater the call for something to eventually provide a contrast. Likewise, something similar happens the other way around when I push a particular state of mind away, implying yet another contrast to take hold.
In each case I shift my attention from one mental scenario continuing, only to allow another mental scenario to begin unfolding. Therefore, both positive and negative senses of time (good and bad feelings about yesterday and tomorrow) are always shaping my current state of mind, due to compensation issues cycling through various spaces trying to find that sweet place called home- homeostasis.
In life, I aim to avoid the heaviness that Time brings to the table by floating off on something much lighter, Positive Time. But only until the contrast drags my attention back, essentially forcing me to look at the clock in my mind noticing each minute passing by. Being ‘all for’ Time means that I’ll take as much of the space I’m experiencing as I can since I’m comfortably operating within a desired movement of my thoughts. I’m not bothered by the clock, not seeking a point of change. Alternatively, being ‘totally against’ Time means that I would try to escape the current space and the movement which it represents. I’m seeking a point of change.
Needless to say, I prefer staying in Positive Time because seriously… who doesn’t love an escape from a cramped space into a desired one? Who on earth would want to go back to anxiety and tension inside a massive build-up of pressure when comfort awaits on the other side of their mind?
By calling upon and holding onto one level of experience or density of space, I thought I was doing myself a favour. But in fact, it wasn’t long before negative pressure built back up as I entered another level of experience that was far, far away on the opposite end of the sensory spectrum.
My Fragments Existing in Space & Time
Let’s break these two components of space and time down and discover something beyond their role in physical reality.
Fragments in Space:
Whether in technology, demography, geography or psychology, fragments are all the same. They are pieces of things, spaces and aspects that all have their own distinction or function. Fragmentation in the psych world divides my character and behaviour, which then organises the various relationships in my life into groups, causing me to act differently according to each set.
And it is for this reason I live my life as a mental Gypsy if you will, continually crossing state lines, never actually settling at a place to call home. Not only that, but the more energy I put into holding, controlling, and rearranging the different states and spaces within my life, the more fragmented my life becomes. I am constantly travelling from one end of the mind to the other, creating an environment where home simply becomes the movement itself.
Fragments in Time:
In terms of Time, fragmentation is when my life is divided between the past, present and future. By constantly shifting from strong memories of yesterday to the hopes and fears of tomorrow I create an overall fragmented reality, where the present reality has little space to thrive as the sense of Time takes over.
Plus, the more I try to escape the fury side of Time by remaining ignorant of its effects ( – → + → – → + ), the greater this divide or distinction will reflect in my behaviour as I get pulled toward each extreme.
The Sense of Time Shaping My Space
Keeping the fury of Time at arm’s length is the absolute key for my escaping, because that’s where all my problems are, in a battle between Yesterday and Tomorrow. My dramas are always caught in a showdown between what was ‘back then’ in undesirable memory and what ‘lays ahead’ in a refined or future projection that tries to turn things positive. And there I was in my usual tug of war until I found an escape that took the ‘un’ in undesirable from the equation. Yet the escape was only ever short lived and reality always came back to cause more strain.
When my attention moves away from a cluttered region of my mind, instead of working through the mess by staying in direct contact with the problem and resolving it, it’s because I have packed my bags and run off. I’ve sought shelter in a less dense spread-out area, a serene place with plenty of space (aka the serene side of Time). Or simply, I have created and moved my attention into a lighter fragment of the mind in favour of living in a positive time frame, which increases my happiness since I’ve reversed the energy in my nervous system.
However, after clearly seeing that I was taking more of these mental trips than usual, and with extra running around to different places and spaces, this gave me a new incentive to move in an unusual but most fortunate way. You see, what was about to come next in my life was nothing like any of the steps that I had ever taken before.
By clearly seeing the bigger picture for once, which was me inside a giant runaround mental Time and Space mess, I naturally moved towards a less obstructive route if that makes sense. I took aim at a new way of creating less blowback for myself by essentially reducing my mental movements, aka my positive mental trips.
How was I able to move less when I was conditioned to keep ‘mentally moving’ no matter what the situation was?
When I finally saw myself constantly shifting energy in my nervous system, everything became crystal clear. I had to psychologically negate my efforts to get closer to Mindful stillness and freedom in a complete lifestyle change.
After giving considerable attention to a lifestyle of my scattered steps taken, I couldn’t help but unwind in an entirely fresh way. Today, I no longer stay focused on my usual goal of finding better steps to replace the heavier ones with, including any epiphanies that light up my mind with too much hope.
In fact, I don’t take any ideals seriously or overly inflate them anymore because I realised that they kept me in a conventional ‘forward-moving motion’, no matter what they entailed or promised to make real. And that was problematic since I was born with a mind that operates a bit differently.
Also, I should have known better earlier. I live in a bi-polar world that attracts and repels everything by nature. Having moved away from a relationship breakdown, crisis, or challenge of any kind, even my best effort couldn’t hold my most favoured or practised escape for too long. Regrettably, I would return to the dense scene in absolutely no time at all. Hence, all the running around and the up and down.