Overview on Lessing

Get primed for the journey into Lessing with an overview on the section that follows, revealing what each part has in store.

Varying Degrees of Pressure

General Escapism is an effective way for a generally minded person to escape most of the pressures they face in day-to-day life. However, even this method isn’t always enough to get the job done. Truth is, the pressures of life come in many shapes and sizes, and while an escape to nature or a good … Read more

Seeing My Same Old Pattern

In a fast-moving, hyper-consuming, automated world (at least in my neck of the woods), being visibly Less by portraying new minimalistic caring ways to the outside world gave me a strong sense of purpose and distinction, which was something I felt I had always lacked on the healthier side of life. And, as with anything … Read more

Untangling From the Idea

A lifetime of thinking and trying to stop the negative side of my identification complex is what led to this newer approach today. All up, I realised that whenever I had overly glorified things and aspects in the past I left myself open to being called out on the weaker items I had neglected and … Read more

Run Mindless.Idea

The Installer below provides a simplified solution for understanding the role of Mindless or Mindlessing. Get patched the unconventional way with See/++ Programming. « Previous📁Next (Mindful) »