The Installer below provides a simplified solution for understanding the role of Mindless or Mindlessing. Get patched the unconventional way with See/++ Programming.
(1) Begin Downloading Unconventional Ideas
Server: # Unpack Mindless v2.0 Setup Files
(2) Update the Current Definition of a Mind
Current Definition: A mental processor that requires constant use and control to run efficiently.
Run the Update: Observe beyond the personal narrative, especially when greater pressures are detected and trigger emotion. Be open to reclassification of the word ‘mind’.
New Definition: A mental processor that requires space and balance to run efficiently.
More often than not when the word ‘mind’ arises in my world it is because of resistance and not attraction. — Mindware Developer.
(3) Mindless-Ware is Now Installed in Your Psyche
Begin 24/7 Minimal Background Process: Watch for any increase in internal pressures and emotional processes, and further observe the responses.
Instruction: If my thinking = heavy, then I observe myself deeply. Also, I see any attempt to stabilise my thoughts, rather than stabilise them unwittingly, thereby not overcompensating as a result (bouncing back and forth between the up and down ideas).
(4) Optimise My Psychological Activity With Space
Psychological Inaction: Ending, closing, or powering down a thought process. The ability to detect and defuse cumbersome ideas.
Benefit: This is my most recent highly valued ability. I’m finally equipped to let go of things that no longer serve my best interests by adding a gap between my thoughts. Psychological energy is conserved from ending any center-stage ideas, including the bulk of my stabilizing ideas.
(5) ‘Being Mindful’ Component Is Also Updated
Instruction: Upon higher mental pressures that won’t release, I engage in a controlled stabilization. I no longer wildly stabilize my state of mind with the obsolete Mindful way.
Benefit: Now that the Mindless software is downloaded and installed, I stabilize my pressurised system with cleaner code inside a stronger idea. Less conscious stabilization optimises my psyche in the long run. Or, there is now less effort used to fix myself, which has greater longer-lasting effects.
Congratulations! Your System is Now Updated.
You’ve successfully updated your psychological system with the Mindless-Ware.Idea. You are now equipped to handle internal pressures more efficiently and to maintain balance with less conscious effort. Enjoy the enhanced mental clarity and peace that comes with this new installation.