The Products run smoothly in this order:
PLAYING/REPLAYING my thoughts will cause a SENSATION, registering as a good or bad emotion (or somewhere in between). This reaction then creates DIRECTION in my mind which goes on to produce ACTION in the real world (on a good day), and thus my idea ends or gets released as I act accordingly. Then the next idea can take its place.
The Byproduct comes into effect when I attach onto these records and refinements and continuously process ‘DIRECTION in my mind’ for more taste or more narrative (because I’m so caught up in it). Therefore, there is less flow of ‘ACTION in my life’ as my energy remains caught up in the processing phase.
For instance, when I’m stuck trying to turn a negative into a positive, or when I indulge in that positive note again and again by abusing my inner photoshop, I veer away from reality.
Thankfully, nowadays, I’ve cut back on the byproducts.
Thoughts are obviously required to get me from A to B, but they clearly have their downsides. Because when I’m always processing, this impacts my real-time experience or the present moment, thereby reducing my quality of life. Specifically, when I’m overwhelmed in the makings of Yesterday and Tomorrow, my perception of time fluctuates, and I feel its peaks in both ways, longer in fear and shorter in delight (when I’m greatly up and down on the emotional rollercoaster).
I lose touch with the present, even though the present is ALL THAT IS in physical reality. My attention gets hijacked by the internal world for too long.
So again, when the background of my internal reality is flooded with this life-residue of excess Time (Yesterday and Tomorrow projections), it overflows onto the foreground of my consciousness, and I live everywhere EXCEPT in the now. I’m no longer ready to meet new experiences, or I always meet the new sluggishly, by carrying too much of the old.