Generally speaking, the story of ‘less’ tells of an existence that ultimately reduces energy consumption, emissions, and waste (when compared to that of others who share the same environment) for the sake of sustainability, love, and compassion. This act of energy conservation can be practised within the mind as well as within the world. It is this practice that is known as Psychological Less.
There are two layers of Psychological Less:
Layer 1 ‘Less’ is my ability to project an idea that describes some ‘thing’, ‘one’ or ‘aspect’ with minimal features, weight, or composition. Additionally, this layer allows me to take an exaggerated idea and reduce it to a more reasonable state.
Layer 2 ‘Less’ is my ability to end any idea when it is not needed. Rather than reducing its complexity, my insight dissolves the idea altogether, thereby conserving energy for the next set of ideas that I project.
As internal pressures mount or when an idea no longer serves a practical purpose, I’m able to release that program and free up my energy because I know that nothing else applied directly will be of better help. I know that if I continue refining my thoughts, I will simply lose the quality of greater space to ‘analysis paralysis’.
From psychological activity, I am reduced to a state of psychological inactivity by allowing energy from another dimension to defuse my thought processing, however long or short the break lasts. Thus I am recharged from the space in between, and ready to face the next thing that emerges and tries to take over.
Now, can you see the difference between them? In a sense, Layer 2 is an interdimensional movement of an insight powering down an idea. Whereas Layer 1 is a continuation of conventional ideas that symbolise less energy consumption.
Allow me to explain further…
Layers 1 and 2 are both ideas since I need a way of describing this information to you. But the 2nd Layer of the idea briefly symbolises less mental activity, which is rather unique. It describes my ability to clear the screen without using the force that comes from more thought processing. Therefore, the eraser is not another idea that gives the illusion of clearing my mind by covering over the thicker content inside my thoughts. Essentially, I free myself from the powerful narrative and dissolve any content from the surface of my mind.
Layer 1 Lessing is when I manage the contrast within my thoughts (heavier thoughts → lighter thoughts).
Layer 2 Lessing is when I manage the contrast against my thoughts (thought processing → non-thought processing).
Observing Layer 2 optimises Layer 1.
While each layer offers significant benefits on its own, it’s only when I’m Lessing through both layers that my mind operates at peak performance.