An Idea:
The First System of Thoughts as Potential Direction
What’s an idea?
An idea is made up of closely related symbols and objects from the memory bank, signalling the possibility for an experience to occur, or for predefined potential to be realised.
Idea Formulation Protocol
- In the act of mental processing, a steady buildup of my life’s recorded experiences that hold similar influential or symbolic properties converge into an idea. This is the start of a mental collage as I put new pictures and sounds together from memory parts.
- The recordings of my experiences are mapped out. Every record is tagged, archived neatly, and ready for use by my imagination. The most familiar symbols and objects are usually first in line to be accessed and made into an idea.
- This coming-together of memory parts and their alteration onto a blank canvas also translates a stronger meaning and gives off a sense of direction to go one way or another. I want or don’t want the potential of the images to be realised, and therefore I step accordingly in life.
Idea Response Protocol
How do I respond to an idea?
By investing my efforts in a direction determined by the idea itself.
Idea Response Protocol
- Pro Behaviour via pleasure/appeal — I follow or consider following the idea to gain a reward.
- Counter Behaviour via fear/repel — I move away or consider moving away from what the idea represents, which puts me in another direction away from punishment.
- I Let it Go or release/defuse (Lessing 2.0) — I let go of the idea because I’ve lost interest, or it’s too far-fetched or clearly impractical to be used as a guide.
- I Get Caught Up or I attach to the idea — I get stuck thinking, waste energy, and let reality suffer as a result. I’ve allowed my idea to run overly wild into others in return for cascading emotional or sexual energy.
For a good part of my life, I’d often mistake the 4th type of response for the 1st type.