I find that most beliefs eventually meet at the following two points:
- Continuity – Either better and longer living in this life or to have a greater choice in the next life. Or the continuation of life thru our children and children’s children with the hope of greater tools and gadgets at our disposal for a more joyful experience.
- An increase in energy – We are heading to a life with less labour and more luxury and control.
Together, this total belief package = MORE SPACE to create refined objects for better and longer experiences. That is, Inner Inflation from planned thoughts → Outer Expansion into real life.
The process behind this protocol is pretty straightforward. First, I inflate my unreality on the inside, which becomes my desired reality. Next, I apply this force and realise the potential by reshaping my environment using my behaviour. (Or I’ll go insane trying to.)
When it comes to understanding a Sci-Tech God or non-religious belief perspectives in general, we’ll get something along the lines of:
I invest in the idea of one great life and seek out maximum energy and life extension, which equals…
SUPERCHARGED SPACE (Super Inflation → Super Expansion or Super Fizzling Out for some of us)
Or I seek greater pleasures that take greater resources and leave a heavier footprint because ‘super’ usually implies ‘shortcuts somewhere along the line’. Thus, the bubble or nest is at risk of becoming unsustainable due to the ever-growing negative consequences that threaten to destroy it.
Follow-up food for thought:
Continuity in another life usually relates to Religion and Spirituality. While max energy & life extension in one life (along with potentially living through our children) usually relates to Science and Technology as a god.
Heaven and Hell is not an afterlife. From my perspective, it is life. We travel between them day in and day out.
Life for me is up and down, left, right and around. It is about experiencing both reality (physicality) and unreality (ideas). Be careful… The path to Heaven can go straight through Hell. Or at the very least, it causes a fair amount of hell along the way.
Final Thought
Do we sustain our world or ignore the byproducts?
If a cancer cell was aware of its demise looming from the massive demand put on its host environment, would it be open to finding other less-threatening ways to sustain its world? Or would it just ignore the signs and further indulge, not caring about any holocaust moments years, months, or even days away? That is the question we need to ask ourselves, as our unrestricted expansion is putting our host body in grave danger, threatening our very survival in the process.