My Nosing Around

By nature, I can’t help but always look deeply into things. I still get overwhelmed this far down the track by life’s broader aspects, aka the abstract elements or symbols forming in my mind from wandering too far into the outskirts of my perceived reality. Not to mention all the other conventional or everyday influences from the preceding hours, days and weeks from people’s activities or life’s usual engagements overlapping in my mind.

Growing up, my days were filled with countless questions and observations. This relentless curiosity led me to construct a complex personal narrative that soon became my god. Even to this day, I can’t just change who I am, and thus the nosing around continues in my life, albeit with more care than ever before thanks to my newfound ability to diffuse this stubborn age-old god.

Tapping Into the Collective

To say my curiosity has no bounds would be a huge understatement. In fact, I’m currently in the process of uncovering a part of the mind that I believe isn’t localised to just one brain or body. If I’m right, there is access to other minds and records of experience, regardless of archived time and space, meaning I can potentially view impressions from the past, present, or future, and in any location imaginable. After all, just as many parts of an organism make up a whole, so too, many minds might contribute to a collective consciousness.

Now, this may sound like the stuff of an overactive imagination, but I’ll give you a very basic example of how it plays out in my day-to-day life:

Every now and then I get a thought of someone out of the blue or without any leadup whatsoever. Within seconds or minutes, I get a text message or phone call from the same person who has something either reasonably important to somewhat important to say. Otherwise, on some occasions, I call them instead and get an inviting response. “Hey, I was just thinking of you”, he or she would say when answering the phone. Or “I was just about to call you regarding such and such” would be said in anticipation. Pretty cool, right? Well, it will be when I have greater access and control over this complex mind-linking protocol.

To be honest, what currently takes place in the realm of psychic phenomena is not as fascinating as it once used to be because it happens on such a regular basis. However, I would love to up the ante and initiate this feature at will, and set notifications on certain people or for certain topics/keywords of interest. In doing so, I could really reshape the environment around me and strengthen my screen.

Behind a Cosmic Paywall

As strange as it sounds, I’ve been begging the Universe for greater access to the wider Human Network Grid that I believe is fundamental. It’s as if there’s a field with a locked gate, and I’m trying to find the key.

No doubt, if such access exists, there would be strict guidelines before one could gain entry at will. Or one might be issued a token for viewing specific impressions by cosmic authorities. For now, I feel that the starting point is to optimise both the mechanical and creative nature of my mind while continuing to work on my diet as I believe food, like all things, has metaphysical properties.

But the potential is simply limitless. Just think… I could influence all branches of government because there are always people in every department who have something important to hide, such as their bad or questionable behaviour. Deciphering the right information at the allowed threshold of the karmic field emitting from an individual means that I can eventually tap into them, leverage them to gain control, and potentially push legislation through parliament to help those of my tribe, ideology, and overall base.

However, I shouldn’t get too ahead of myself or go too wild too fast. One thing I’ve learnt is that accessing such things also comes with greater responsibility, which is why I want to give more to the Universe to potentially make up for what I might have to take in the future in terms of cause and effect since we live in a causally-connected Universe. In other words, I wouldn’t want to bite off more than I can chew and mess with an unconventional realm without doing my due diligence first and foremost, as I might end up in a pickle.

As you Sow, so shall you Reap.

Obviously, this stuff is quite out there, and it is many years away from the public wrapping their head around it (if such wrapping is even possible). This is why I would want to limit exposure and conduct myself very quietly in the meantime. Admittedly, being a stabilising force on this level takes a special type of discipline, which is also why it has my name written all over it.

Some people would say not to open this envelope. But the thing is it was opened years ago. Besides, if there is a role to be played (I’m sure it’s being played right now by old blood enjoying the status quo), it only makes sense to have it outperformed by fresh blood. Get it done by someone who is more inclined to evolve the show, while not overstepping too much. Therefore, I’m happy to keep nosing around and testing my boundaries on this level since I’m equipped with a Highly Sensitive Mind.