Evolving the Mindless Scrapbook Into a Strong Network

Many moons ago (2015), I had an odd idea that kept bugging me. I felt I could eventually transform our traditional meaning of the word ‘Mindless’, which to most means stupid, and thus flip it into goodness. So after fine-tuning, perseverance and a bit of odd luck, I knew ‘less is more’ was the way for me to go in order to get my life back on track.

I needed to break the word ‘Mindless’ down, define the parts (Mind & Less), and put them back together again in the hope that the last part cancelled out the emphasis on the first part. Then, I’d somehow have to explain it to the world.

The next problem I had to solve was that I was lightyears away from conveying any deeper or stronger understanding to anyone else since I was struggling to hold things up on my end. Unfortunately, my smaller picture at home had way too many cracks in it for me to begin tackling the big picture.

Long story short… I needed to figure out my own cogs before expecting others to understand. Also, I had to do it myself using the out-there, unconventional information I gathered. I definitely couldn’t have someone else do it for me, spreading excessive amounts of their conventional wisdom that never quite fit in my mind. Which meant, I would have to at least show where I was coming from if I was to achieve common ground and consideration from someone else’s part. Because that is what any sane person would do, or at least any person who is attempting to be sane again.

So from here, it was made clear to me that I would lead a Top Secret Mission on my own. Quietly, but thoroughly, I would construct a Mindless Scrapbook combining both Art and Logic to best describe my complicated state of mind. A Scrapbook, mind you, that has now evolved into Mindware, Mindless-Ware, Deep-Deep Psychology, and don’t be surprised if there are more names to come.

Plus, the mix today includes exposing a few grey-area features of myself along with some of the heavier bits of darkness that are still hiding away upstairs, or a good part of my egoic side if that makes sense. Because in all honesty, it can get a little dark up there, or down there as it were.

My Darkness?

Admittedly, yes. I’m made of lighter shades AND darker shades, so why continue denying it? In fact, I hold a variety of shades and can revisit any number of them multiple times a day. However, I can also hide everything well so that you have no idea of any deceptive subroutines running in the background.

My mostly unseen, underground aspect of today’s ‘dear little devil within me’ still has a few questionable ideals and desires banked up. Though thankfully, those ideals and desires are far less destructive than the ones I cherished not so long ago. Undoubtedly, my devil has helped in the lining of this website, so how can I possibly leave him out? It just wouldn’t be fair as he can also do far more good than bad when dealing with the bigger picture side of life.

Let’s just be honest with ourselves. We all have a secretive and self-serving calculating entity running in the background. Either a dash, teaspoon or cup full of him or her.

Or in simple terms, I’m taking another approach to life by embracing the mix of good and bad within my being. I’m honouring my light and dark sides or positive and negative empowerments, rather than denying the existence of one side and staying divided like previously.

Most people can manage their divide efficiently, but not me. At least in my newer way, I’m in close contact with the fact that I am a split person who often lives in contradiction. Therefore, I see the ‘real me’ or ‘complete me,’ which can only help improve my life. Surely, a higher degree of unmasking is the best way to move forward.