General pain is the outside force disrupting the balance of my nervous system through physical contact or direct stimulation, but without travelling via the psychological system. And, like any sane person, I try to avoid this pain at all times. However, life is not always in my control and nature smacks me now and then, whether I want to call it that or not. In the end, I can only do my best to deal with pain and not immediately jump to pain-relief medicines, unless it’s too much. Then absolutely, YES. I’ll need enough suppression to cope.
Now if I don’t want pain to be an overwhelming factor in life in terms of what I can control, I’ll manage my physical and psychological intakes with exceptional care. I won’t eat or absorb too much crap as a way to stay sharp and reach a higher standard in my life. Without any excuse, I’ll become an efficient human who knows where to and where not to walk, bettering my odds at staying safe.
Also, I’ll stop sheltering myself as much, and hopefully become less sensitive to the outside world as a result. I figured, why not give myself the best conditions for any surprises on the path ahead and stop increasing my sensitivity for the long run? This is my basic philosophy of life.
Next, let’s change the channel and tune into something tastier. Pleasure! 🍓🍇